Saturday, 26 March 2016

Setup an escalation to be notified of a status change on a work order

Create an escalation and fill in the following fields:

Applies to :WORKORDER
Condition: STATUS='APPR' and STATUSDATE >=(sysdate -1/1440) (USE this is on Oracle DB)
Condition: STATUS='APPR' and STATUSDATE >= dateadd(mi, -1, getdate()) (USE this if on SQL Server DB)
Schedule: 1 minute

Escalation Point section:

Elapsed Time Attribute: STATUSDATE
Escalation Point condition: 1=1
Check Repeats Box

Attached a Communication Template to my Notification Section

Communication Template specifics;

Applies to : WORKORDER
Accessible From: ALL
To: Role you choose
Send From: Maximo Administrator
Subject: :WONUM has changed status 
Message: The :WONUM has been changed status to :STATUS on :STATUSDATE

****NOTE: The REPEATS needs to be checked in order for it to notify you on the same work order being changed to APPR back to WAPPR back to APPR.....

The following query STATUSDATE >=(sysdate -1/1440)

this will check when a STATUSDATE is changed within that last minute...

Sysdate means it checks the Date on the Server

-1 means it will check for any changes to the STATUSDATE within the last minute the crontask was running as the schedule is every minute

1440 is the following calculation

1440 divided by 60 Seconds ( 1minute)= 24 HOURS

24 Hours X 60 Seconds= 1440

The Crontask runs every minute...but only will send an email when a work order's STATUSDATE is changed within the last time it ran and the work order is changed to APPR.

Reference :

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